Definition of Spiral galaxy

1. Noun. A galaxy having a spiral structure; arms containing younger stars spiral out from old stars at the center.

Exact synonyms: Spiral Nebula
Generic synonyms: Extragalactic Nebula, Galaxy
Specialized synonyms: Andromeda Galaxy

Definition of Spiral galaxy

1. Noun. (galaxy) A galaxy having a number of arms of younger stars that spiral out from the centre containing older ones ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Spiral Galaxy

spiral arms
spiral bandage
spiral bulbar septum
spiral canal of cochlea
spiral canal of modiolus
spiral cleavage
spiral cochlear ganglion
spiral computed tomography
spiral crest
spiral dance
spiral fold of cystic duct
spiral foraminous tract
spiral fracture
spiral galaxies
spiral galaxy
spiral ganglion
spiral ganglion of cochlea
spiral groove
spiral hyphae
spiral joint
spiral lamina
spiral ligament of cochlea
spiral line
spiral membrane
spiral nebula
spiral of Archimedes
spiral organ

Literary usage of Spiral galaxy

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Other Worlds Than Ours: The Plurality of Worlds Studied Under the Light of by Richard Anthony Proctor (1905)
"According to my theory, they probably belong to outlying whorls of the spiral galaxy, and the telescopic stars seen upon them bear the same relation to them ..."

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